Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sorry i didn't blog for many days?ahh..4 days??so like okay..ntg much happen, em..sunday i woke up then like got ready for church service..then, wentshopping..then, like i saw dis cute guy who looks like Mike He Jun like i tried to take a picture of him but like i cant coz like he keeps on moving like..ahh, ya dats all...then like, on monday..ahh..woke up then ahh..oh ya, we left for limbang..then like sampai Limbang at ahh..4 p.m. like dat..then ahh..stayed in the church the whole day..then that's all..then..ah..tuesday like the whole day i was in church watching this korean movie, which had no english like i change the audio to chinese so at least i can understand a bit..then ahh.. wednesday went back to Labuan!yay!!! that's all...yeah...then like i took pictures(of course)..haha..then it is!!!
Ice cream that's all for today...i wanna go to sleep....nitez!! i mean morning...God Bless ya'll...Muahhxxx!!!!

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