Friday, June 20, 2008

I am BAck people!!

Yes I'm back!! I'm sooo tired after four days of traveling and singing and more stupid stuff I am back!!... So, like actually i came back yesterday night like around 6.50 like that then i went straight to tuition then went back to auntie's house then ate there then we went back home lor.. So when i reached home i went to the bathroom and like took my bath coz like we didnt have the time and place to take a bath. Of course in the morning got take bath la before leaving the resort but after that we were just in the airport.. so there wasn't any time to take bath..But the important part is we had FUNNN!!

YES!!!! I had soooooo much FUN!!! I made new friends and experience new stuff, i went up a rumah ulu and dunno what rumah again..saw lots of weird and interesting stuff..and almost got killed,kinda, and got embaressed, ate a lot.. laughed a lot, cried once..hehe..urmmm, got pissed a lot of times, and NOW I MISS THEM SOOO MUCHHH!!!! seriously!!

But sadly we lost.. but at least we didn't get last..hehe.. we got number 4 or 5 or 6..dunno owh..everyone was curious about the trophy teacher Roziah reaceived was saguhati or just something else.. So like we're not sure what number we got.. So , the winner is Perlis...and IT IS SO NOT FAIRR!! their song is like sooo not a puisi song!! Their song is like a rockie+blueie+jazzie song..everyone was like teasing them when we went back to our rooms..but, it's not really their fault coz it's not them who did the scoring and judging!! IT"S the judge 's fault!!! okay, nevermind.. i'll just forget about that.. haih...

I'm sooo tireddd!!! Oh ya, firstly i want to thank Siew Ru for accompaning me and being there for me when i needed a friend and much more...I also want to thank Jed for taking care of me rather..he really took care of us girls..which is soo funny coz like his younger than us so like watev! his mature which is gud NOT LIKE SOMEONE!!! stupid perv!!! Anyways, he was very kind and thank you..oh ya! and thank you for always waking us up early in the morning.. really appreciate that..haha..erm, same for Hafiz..really took care of us.. like a big bro..HaiqaL..urm..thanks for ah.. ahh... thank you for ah.. layan-ing me when we were in the airplane.. haha.. and lastly thank you TEACHERS for guiding, teaching, and taking care of us!! So, lastly..THANK YOU EVERYONE!! I REALLY MISS YOU GUYS SOOO MUCH RITE NOW!!! ='(..

So like that's all for today.. I'm still sleepy.. so like im gonna sleep rite, GOOD NIGHT!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Allooo everyone...Yup! today is Sunday and tomorrow will be the start of a new day in school.! haha..not! but I am happy that school is starting tomorrow..I know I'm weird..I LoVe school..well, sometimes..So like, this morning i went to church then ate lunh in Island Gardeen then we saw aunty Pin Ching there!! then we went homee..oh ya, did i mention i ate Ko Lo Mee..It's tasty...yummyyy..hekhek...then we went home..So like , im bored..there's nothing to do.. Oh ya! and my mum put m on a diet..I started a few minutes ago..She was like "Lisa's im worried for you..yada yada yada.."
So like, I can't eat any carbohydrates or anything
sweet in other words I'm on a non-carbohydrates and non-sweet diet!'s gonna be tough this few weeks..Lemme list down the food and drink(s)i LOVE to eat and drink..

Nasi lemak
Sometimes noodles


more chicken

soy bean

apple juice
more apple juice
and more apple juice
and more chicken

and more pork!
and the list goes on..

So like I LOOOOVVVVEEEEE to eat..oviously..You can see from my size..haha..XD
So, the reason she's putting me on this diet one, i'm going to Kuching for that stupid competition so she wants me to lose some weight and two bcoz..well, im FAT..duh~~

SO like, let me just stop talking about how fat I am..haha..So, like rite now I'm in my brothers room and he's like like here are some pictures of him sleeping!!! muahahaha..I am evil hahaha..

Okay so like that's all for today..i Need to do my homewrok..haha..tata
God Bless!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Today, nothing much happen..woke up at 11 a.m..
Cleaned up my room then i found out that Jen's clothes are still with me..
then clean clean clean
clean my shoes and my clothes clean my ahh.. room and toilet coz i kasi kotor..hehe..wash my shoes inside shoes sooo muddy..haiyo..
after that,ahh..oh yea, ate lunch then i took a bath..then went straight to my aunty's place.. then helped my parents with some gardening..yup, my dad does gardening too..haha..of course not like women..he was just carrying stuff like,half of my day was spent there..So, yea i just came home..

Oh ya! then after eating my din din..someone called me up.. i was soo scared to pick up my phone..i taught it was like.. u know, does ppl from Indon, so like before i picked it up, i kinda prayed a short prayer..haha..then, when i picked it up i heard like some noises..then skali i heard a woman's voice..haha,it was Cikgu Roziah!!! hahaha...She asked me to go to school tomorrow..want to go sukat baju for d competition later in Kuching..But i already bought the cloth and my shoesshiii..So like i told my mum..Then she was like " Don't tell your teacher you bought the cloth and your shoes odi..Give me the cloth that we bought..hahaha"..=.=
So like,we're leaving on the 14th! yay!! I'm like so excited..weee~~oh ya, and i just found out that Adrian Tan's birthday is on the 1st of July not June..hahaha..
that monday i wished him happy birthday..then he oni replied he was like " my birthday meh?" haiyo..paiseh..<> haha..=p

yup so like that's all for today...that's all happen..dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum ..dadadadadadadada..loallaloalaoal..yuppp...

o like God Bless ya'll..

"So don;t worry, because I am with you.
Don;t be afraid, because I am your God
I will make you strong and I will help you.
I will support you with my right hand that saves you."
Isaiah 41:10

10And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.
11Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. 13Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, 14because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.
Hebrews 10:10-14

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sorry i didn't blog for many days?ahh..4 days??so like okay..ntg much happen, em..sunday i woke up then like got ready for church service..then, wentshopping..then, like i saw dis cute guy who looks like Mike He Jun like i tried to take a picture of him but like i cant coz like he keeps on moving like..ahh, ya dats all...then like, on monday..ahh..woke up then ahh..oh ya, we left for limbang..then like sampai Limbang at ahh..4 p.m. like dat..then ahh..stayed in the church the whole day..then that's all..then..ah..tuesday like the whole day i was in church watching this korean movie, which had no english like i change the audio to chinese so at least i can understand a bit..then ahh.. wednesday went back to Labuan!yay!!! that's all...yeah...then like i took pictures(of course)..haha..then it is!!!
Ice cream that's all for today...i wanna go to sleep....nitez!! i mean morning...God Bless ya'll...Muahhxxx!!!!